Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oh, the Joy of Potty Training

We've been trying to get Xadun to go potty in the toilet for awhile now. Yesterday Chaetun was trying to convince him that he should do it. So, I told Xadun that we could go pick out some underwear if he would go potty in the toilet. He was very excited about the idea and seemed to understand, so today we went and got underwear. Thomas the Train and Football to be exact. We also got Cars that were too big so we gave those to Chaetun. More on that later.

The underwear didn't go on until after naps, around 5. In the next 4 hours of his awake time, I cleaned up two puddles on the floor (thank goodness for hardwood floors) and put three pair of wet underwear in the dirty clothes. I stayed on top of him asking if he needed to go potty, but he never answered yes, and always peed on the floor :s I'm not sure if he just doesn't understand the feeling yet, or he just doesn't pay attention to it. We'll try again tomorrow since we'll be home all day. I only have 6 pair of underwear, so we might be done halfway through the day.

The other part of this story is Chaetun. He was excited for Xadun to get underwear and understood that he wasn't getting any. When we got home and I found that the Cars were too big for Xadun, I told Chaetun he could have them. Of course it wasn't enough just to have them, he had to wear them. I told him he could not change his underwear just to wear cars. He would have to wait until tomorrow. So, he proceeds to pee in them a little so that they're wet and he can take them off. I told him he would have to live with wet underwear because he knows better. He then peed a little more so as to make his pants wet wanting to change everything. Again, being the mean mom that I am, I told him he had to keep the wet underwear and pants and he would not be allowed to change. I know, I'm mean, but I'm not going to let him change his underwear just because he got new ones. :P


Morgan said...

You are so not a mean are totally smart!

stacey said...

I don't think that's mean at all. I think that's a great idea. Way to stick to your guns.

Tawnya said...

I have so much to look forward too...

The Valentine Fam said...

When he's all done, will you potty train mine too?!

sarahbclark! said...

wow. go you! i don't think i could've stuck it out with the really wet underwear. good luck with xadun!

Janna said...

Chaetun is so funny! Kids are so smart... in a scary sort of way! And no you are not mean.

Good luck on potty training!