Yesterday was a really good day here in the NICU. After getting that darn chest tube out, Kilun has been going up hill. His oxygen sats have been really good, so they took him off the high flow nasal canula and put him on just the normal one. He continued to do so well with that, that this morning they did a room air trial and he is now off oxygen completely.
Since the tube was out and then we got off the high-flow, we were able to start breast-feeding (not a dumb questions, Janna!). Kilun has done really well with that. I think a lot of it has to do with his age and he really IS ready to breast feed. He has to have everything by mouth (rather than the feeding tube) for 48 hours before we can go home. We hope that will be by Saturday.
Another benefit of being off the high-flow was that he could now be in a "big boy bed" and get dressed.
The one IV he had left went bad with 3 doses of antibiotic to go. I had asked the nurse about the possibility of giving it orally. She said these specific antibiotics don't have an oral version, but there was a possibility of a shot. I told her about the problems he's had with IVs and thought it might be a better idea with only 3 doses left to do it with a shot. When I came back after shift change the nurse was just trying to do another IV. I again told her about his history and asked about the possibility of the shots. She checked with the NNP and it was decided just to discontinue them all together. We'll take that!! Since there has really been no sign of infection from the beginning, there was no reason to have to stick him several more times just for 3 doses.
So, now all we're waiting for is the eating. I don't think it'll be a problem and we'll look forward to going home this weekend! We did have to go back on the bili-lights, but hey, better to get that taken care of here than home!
So glad to hear he's doing better! He is adorable!
Congratulations to Kilun!!!!! That is such great news, again!
Look at all his spikey hair! :)
That's great news! He is so cute! We'll keep praying for his continued improvement! :)
Yea! I knew once he got that chest tube out he would improve and be able to start acting like a newborn. Hope the eating continues to go well and you get to take him home really soon!
That is so great! I'm so glad you get to take him home soon!
Yeah! We'll be home Sunday afternoon - let me know what I can do to help.
Love ya lots
he is so cute! i'm very glad hes improving so much. i hope things continue to go well and he can come home soon!
he looks so great! he looks bigger and healthier already from these newest pics--- but maybe i'm just imagining it? he is absolutely adorable & i can't wait to come meet him in person :)
So great to hear the good news!! What a blessing!!
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