I came in this morning to find the nurse scrubbing the floor where the tape had been holding the water seal mechanism controlling the chest tube. Which means...the chest tube is gone!!!!! I am so excited! Last night before I left I had talked to the night NNP and told her my concerns. At the time Kilun had gone up on his oxygen and his breathing was a little fast. At that point the NNP said she wouldn't even talk to a doctor because he was still having some small concerns. It wasn't long after that, though, that he calmed right down, his oxygen needs went back down and he was breathing at a normal rate. They must have checked him earlier than they otherwise would have because they removed the tube at 1 this morning, not waiting until 4 to have another x-ray. His oxygen has been turned down again, and continues to do well, so I think it won't be long before he just goes to a regular canula instead of the high flow.
Thanks for the crossed limbs and the extra prayers. We have have been truly blessed by them.